Saturday, July 9, 2016

July 8th - Proloquo2go Activity


Ball, Basket, Basketball, Goal ...

Shoot Around
By: Sheri King and Nick MacDonald

Players take turns shooting the basketball into the basket from in or behind a designated area. The first person with five baskets wins the game.

Communication Aims:
-Listen to the other player(s) and respond
-Take turns and follow rules
-Give and receive compliments appropriately
-Demonstrate proper use of vocabulary while playing the game

How to Play:
Who: 2 or more players with a helper to facilitate.
-To start the facilitator will chose a number between one and five. The player that guesses the number correctly will begin the game.
-The player will stand behind/in a designated area (you could a hoola hoop or skipping rope to mark where the player needs to be).
-The player will shoot the ball. If the shot is made he gets another turn. If missed player 2 gets their turn.
-Continue to play until a player reaches 5 points.

What You Need:
-Basketball hoops
-Hula hoop or skipping rope (something to mark where to stand)
-Visual score board (white board, iPad app etc.)
-Set of vocabulary phrases programmed for the game e.g. “air ball,” “good shot,” “swish.”

Hints and Tips:
-Provide reinforcement to encourage communication with other players e.g. ask was that a good shot or what did you think of that shot Nick? Who’s turn is it now?
-Facilitator dictates game pace to allow social communication to take place

-Distance for shooting can be adjusted as needed
-Length of the game or points required can be adjusted as needed

1 comment:

  1. Your used of P2go made so much sense! What a natural way for a nonverbal student to be able to communicate with peers in an enjoyable way. I work with a student who has a limited vocabulary, but loves sports and communicating with friends. He would have loved to have this added communication aid to help him express himself. Thanks for "thinking outside the box" (literally).
