Wednesday, July 20, 2016

July 19th - Book Creator Presentations

In today's class we presented our final assignment, Book Creator: 20 Classroom Ideas. There were so many fantastic ideas that groups developed on ways to use Book Creator. The activities were developed across a range of subjects that would allow for differentiated instruction. When activities are accessible in a wide range of mediums it creates a more inclusive learning environment. 

Joy and Nike
Welcome Book - Created a book for new staff and students to access to inform them about the school
This would have relieve anxiety for those transitioning to a new school. Some of the things included were introductory book of school staff, school rules, Eye Spy activity, library inventory, student led portfolio, social stories, etc.

I really thought the table of contents linking the different books to the page. Also, the idea of creating a book the reviews the technology within the school. This would allow for more accessibility and awareness.

John and Laurie-Ann
Language matching activity, creating a science book (picture of animal and sound they make), Social Studies - their daily routine linked to sound clip and another sound clip in another language, creating a family album - sound describing the family member, creating a glossary connecting visual concepts with other languages (picture with sound bite in another language), highlighting key words in a mathematical problems for LD students. Visual journal (where would you go in a hot air balloon). Sharing traditional practices and cultures in the province. Books that the students are able to choose their own direction.

Alicia and Holly
Our Journey through Primary
Writing samples of students writing that shows their progressing, Show and Share - what I learned, Learning to speak a different language, mental math, social skills - adding thinking bubbles where kids to put what the person in the picture is thinking.

Joanne and Tracey
Job Interview Skills
Creating resumes, what you don't say says a lot - body language (creating videos of positive body language), go around school to see and interview people with different jobs within the school, interview references (videos of their references - people talking about the students positive job skills), volunteer scrapbook, how to guide on personal hygiene routine, storyboards of your work experience.

David and Susanne
Visual schedules class yearbook pictures, research poster, making predictions, illustrate your writing, social stories, Math - explain work as you go (watch how to video), visual dictionaries, make up their own game, how to perform a sports skill, picture books (multiple languages)

Chelsea and Christine
I spy - picture of dog with person's lips superimposed onto picture giving the directions, how to wash your hands, touch to hear French vocabulary using pics and audio, Show and tell news report, beginning middle and end activity, punctuation book - used with video scribe app. Acting out a favorite part of a book, artist biography, safety guide for a task or situation, fractions

Rachel and Terry
Space scrapbook, Elevator pitch (quick presentation) communication skills, mitosis (science), organizational behavior presentation, multiplying integers, Marketing - presenting their project to dragons, 2 minute rant (ela), spreadsheets - explain the steps to use a spreadsheet, excel - 24hr weekly calendar for time management, transformations in Cartesian grids (gr 12 students explain how to recognize different transformations to gr 9 students)

Michelle and Shari
Newspaper, interactive cookbook, class trip reflection, student portfolio, life cycle book, interactive non-fiction book, create a class book (use all students), interactive word wall, Recycling book, exit ticket (show what you learned), how to video of yoga poses, collaborative book on culture, math journal, family tree, emotions,  

Chris and Jill
How to book to create a grilled cheese sandwich, counting with animals, exploring the solar system, my family vacation, my family tree, challenges that friends can make, my culture book, poetic devices in pop culture, the rock cycle, learning about the provinces, monitor stages of seed growth, my explorer book, create math riddles, 

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