Wednesday, July 20, 2016

July 20th - Last Class

Today in our last class we produced an iMovie explaining our main take away from the class. 

1. Assistive technology is unlimited out there. What ever the need of the student there is probably something out there that would assist or enhance their ability to achieve a task.

2. Assistive technology can be life changing. Technology that allows you to communicate with others opens up opportunities to the might not have been there before.

3. Assistive technology doesn't have to be high tech or expensive. With creative thinking and many ordinary things can be extraordinary.

4. If you're unsure of what is out there and how to help a student, reach out to the experts in your board and school. 

July 20th - Assistive Technology for People with Cerebral Palsy

Assistive Technology for people with Cerebral Palsy 

This video blew my socks off as it demonstrates how augmentative and alternative communication technology can provide a medium for people with cerebral palsy to communicate. In the video it also brings to light how people often perceive a person and their ability base on their disability. Disability discourse portrays people with a disability negatively bases on presumed competencies. This video show how disability discourse is not the reality for people with a disability.  

July 19th - Book Creator Presentations

In today's class we presented our final assignment, Book Creator: 20 Classroom Ideas. There were so many fantastic ideas that groups developed on ways to use Book Creator. The activities were developed across a range of subjects that would allow for differentiated instruction. When activities are accessible in a wide range of mediums it creates a more inclusive learning environment. 

Joy and Nike
Welcome Book - Created a book for new staff and students to access to inform them about the school
This would have relieve anxiety for those transitioning to a new school. Some of the things included were introductory book of school staff, school rules, Eye Spy activity, library inventory, student led portfolio, social stories, etc.

I really thought the table of contents linking the different books to the page. Also, the idea of creating a book the reviews the technology within the school. This would allow for more accessibility and awareness.

John and Laurie-Ann
Language matching activity, creating a science book (picture of animal and sound they make), Social Studies - their daily routine linked to sound clip and another sound clip in another language, creating a family album - sound describing the family member, creating a glossary connecting visual concepts with other languages (picture with sound bite in another language), highlighting key words in a mathematical problems for LD students. Visual journal (where would you go in a hot air balloon). Sharing traditional practices and cultures in the province. Books that the students are able to choose their own direction.

Alicia and Holly
Our Journey through Primary
Writing samples of students writing that shows their progressing, Show and Share - what I learned, Learning to speak a different language, mental math, social skills - adding thinking bubbles where kids to put what the person in the picture is thinking.

Joanne and Tracey
Job Interview Skills
Creating resumes, what you don't say says a lot - body language (creating videos of positive body language), go around school to see and interview people with different jobs within the school, interview references (videos of their references - people talking about the students positive job skills), volunteer scrapbook, how to guide on personal hygiene routine, storyboards of your work experience.

David and Susanne
Visual schedules class yearbook pictures, research poster, making predictions, illustrate your writing, social stories, Math - explain work as you go (watch how to video), visual dictionaries, make up their own game, how to perform a sports skill, picture books (multiple languages)

Chelsea and Christine
I spy - picture of dog with person's lips superimposed onto picture giving the directions, how to wash your hands, touch to hear French vocabulary using pics and audio, Show and tell news report, beginning middle and end activity, punctuation book - used with video scribe app. Acting out a favorite part of a book, artist biography, safety guide for a task or situation, fractions

Rachel and Terry
Space scrapbook, Elevator pitch (quick presentation) communication skills, mitosis (science), organizational behavior presentation, multiplying integers, Marketing - presenting their project to dragons, 2 minute rant (ela), spreadsheets - explain the steps to use a spreadsheet, excel - 24hr weekly calendar for time management, transformations in Cartesian grids (gr 12 students explain how to recognize different transformations to gr 9 students)

Michelle and Shari
Newspaper, interactive cookbook, class trip reflection, student portfolio, life cycle book, interactive non-fiction book, create a class book (use all students), interactive word wall, Recycling book, exit ticket (show what you learned), how to video of yoga poses, collaborative book on culture, math journal, family tree, emotions,  

Chris and Jill
How to book to create a grilled cheese sandwich, counting with animals, exploring the solar system, my family vacation, my family tree, challenges that friends can make, my culture book, poetic devices in pop culture, the rock cycle, learning about the provinces, monitor stages of seed growth, my explorer book, create math riddles, 

Monday, July 18, 2016

July 18th - Book Creator Options

The Book Creator assignment really opened up my eyes to the possibilities that technology is making possible. One app can easily used across multiple curriculum to engage students to be active participants in their learning. The accessibility options that many platforms, especially the iPad has creates a learning environment that considers all learners' needs. Book creator was engaging to use and I believe students would have a lot of fun using it while achieving the same curriculum outcomes. The ability to integrate and interact with multiple apps allows for students to use the assistive technology that is best aligned to their learning needs 

Sunday, July 17, 2016

July 17th - Accessibility Options

Android Accessibility Options

Androids have many accessibility options that would be beneficial to a variety of people with diverse impairments. 
  • People with visual impairments would benefit from varying font size and screen brightness. They would also benefit from the talk back option, text to speech, speak password and colour inversions and contrast options.  
  • People with hearing impairments would benefit from the caption option.
  • People with motor impairments would benefit from touch and hold delay, switch access, and pointer speed.
  • People who are non-verbal would benefit from the speech output options.
  • People with learning disabilities would benefit from spell checker and speech input services.
  • People with English as their additional language of options to switch to their own language.
Chromebook Accessibility Options

Chromebooks have many accessibility options that would be beneficial to a variety of people with diverse impairments.
  • People with visual impairments would benefit from varying cursor size and higher contrast. Also the onscreen keyboard could also be of use. ChromeVox could be used to hear options that they select. There are numerous extensions that would be helpful. 
  • People with motor impairments would benefit the sticky keys option and the keyboard auto repeat option.
  • People with learning disabilities would benefit various extenions like CoWriter and Google Read & Write.
  • People with English as their additional language of options to switch to their own language.
iPad iOS9

Hearing Accessibility - There were lots of similar options to other platforms such as subtitles/captions. The two that I have not seen before was the ability to sync with Bluetooth hearing aids and the prefer audio descriptions.
Physical Access - There seemed to be a lot of options within options. The switch control options would allow you to customize based on the individual.
Siri - This technology is like the technology that you would see in movies growing up. Being able to vocally communicate with a technology benefits so many people. The options of speech to text and text to speech are extremely helpful for students with learning disabilities.
VoiceOver - This options is extremely important to visually impaired and blind people. This allows people to independently navigate their own devices. 

Mac Laptop/PC

Like the other platforms there are many options for peoples' diverse needs on both the Mac and PC. The accessibility feature on the Mac that jumped out at me was the braille feature. The laptop can be used with a braille display.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

July 14th - Alternate Access: Powerlinks, Switches, EyeGaze

Station 1: Powerlink

Powerlink is a device that allows you to activate electrical appliances with switches. When using the devices requires the users to have minimal movement with their hands, arms, legs or neck. The various types of switches would allow the user the choice, a tap, a squeeze or knock switch.The user could be achieving a variety of things using this assistive technology. They could use it to communicate, for independence, social experience or environmental control. This task could be integrated into a students IPP, with life skills goals, memory recall tasks, independence goal or gross motor control goals.

10 Ways Powerlink Can Be Used

  1. Saying hello
  2. Playing games
  3. Making choices
  4. Controlling the environment
  5. Giving directions
  6. Turning on tv
  7. Sounding a buzzer/timekeeper
  8. Counting
  9. Answering/asking questions
  10. Truning on cooking appliances
Station 2: EyeGaze

EyeGaze requires the user to be able to visual track. The setup of Eyegaze to an individual user seem simple and quick. The team supporting the student would probably consist of OT, PT, AT support, student services teacher at school, class teacher, admin and family. The team would need training on how to troubleshoot problem that arise, how they can apply EyeGaze to various task.

10 Educational Activities To Do With EyeGaze 
  1. Recognize letters/numbers
  2. Identify sight words
  3. Create addition sentences
  4. Research topic
  5. Create sentences
  6. Identify animals with names
  7. Journaling
  8. Socialize with peers
  9. Making choices
  10. Communicate
Station 3: Switch Accessible Apps

The advantages of this being offered on the iPad is that the iPad is very accessible and could be used to do many other things that the student may need support with.

10 Switch Accessible Apps for the iPad
  1. Bumper Cars
  2. Shhh!
  3. Five Sharks Swimming
  4. Five Little Aliens
  5. Lost Little Penguin
  6. Catch the Cow
  7. Racing Cars
  8. Train Tracker
  9. Sentence Match: Who is Doing What?
  10. Go Talk Now
Station 4: Scanning Activity on Laptop...Dell/onscreen keyboard scanning, hover with Trackball

Our group discussed that the hover over option to select a cell would be good for students with weaker fine motor control. They would be able to use the tracking ball with minimal hand dexterity and use the keyboard. There was also word prediction as you typed which would be useful for student who need encoding support.

Station 5: Alternate Keyboard

The alternate keyboard does support some student and their needs. The visual contract of the key would be beneficial for students with hearing impairments or sensory issues. The larger key would allow for more accurate striking for students with fine motor difficulties. The negate that came to mind was the portability of it from class to class. A laptop can be folded up and transported in your hands easily. When you add a keyboard then a bag or container would probably be required to transport it from class to class. Some of the accessibility options that the alternate keyboard has includes;

  1. large mouse cursor
  2. high contrast mode
  3. sticky keys
  4. screen magnifier
  5. onscreen keyborad
Google Read & Write will read documents or websites aloud (reading disability students), show meaning of words (developmental disabilities), translate text into other languages (EAL Students) and can be used to turn speech to text (Writing disability students).

Station 6: Android Accessibility/Google Play

The android did not seem to be as user friendly. This might only be because I'm use to the iPad expect it to work in a similar way. There were many accessibility options including; talk back, switch access, captions, large text, high contrast, speak passwords, text to speech output and touch and hold delay. 

Apps to Enhance the Use of Android
  1. AAC Talking Tabs
  2. Speech Assistant
  3. Yes No Your Way
Station 7: Videos of Students Alternate Access Devices

This video show a girl using AAC to have a conversation with her peers about a book. I chose this video because it show how AAC allows the student to participate in an activity that is common in many class along side her peers. 

Assistive Technology in Action - Meet Jared

Josh's Story - How AAC dramatically changed his schooling to a positive experience. 

July 13th - AAC in Various Platforms

Today in groups we explored AAC in various platforms. We looked at the ACC available in the Microsoft Store, Google Play, iTunes, MacIntosh, and Chrome Web Store. While completing the task of finding five AAC for each, it became very clear that not all are create equal in the world of augmentative and alternative communication. 

Chromebook AAC Wordle

Microsoft AAC Wordle

Google Play AAC Wordle

MacIntosh AAC Wordle

iTunes AAC Wordle

Monday, July 11, 2016

July 12 - 20 Assistive Technology Ideas Found at the Dollar Store

20 Items Found At The Dollar Store That Could Be Used As Assistive Technology

Pool Noodle - This item could be used as a Physical Education class. Students with mobility impairments or in a wheelchair could use this during tag games. This would allow them to tag other students while they use they use their wheelchair when it is attached. Students with mobility issues would be able to tag other students without needing to be as quick as others.

Egg Cracker - This item could be used in a Family Students/Life Skills class with students who have fine motor/dexterity issues. Cracking an egg can be a very difficult task for anyone. This device can be used with one hand.

Travel Pillow - This item could be used with students who have neck stability issues. With the pillow around their neck it would provide support to ensure the neck is in a neutral position.

Spray Bottle - This item could be used in an Agriculture/Life Skills class. Students who have weak gross motor control would be able to water plants without using a traditional watering can. 

Velcro Catcher - This item could be used in a Physical Education class. Students who are unable to close a baseball glove could use the Velcro catcher to play catch.

Camping Shelter - This camping shelter could be used in the class with students who have sensory concerns. The camping shelter could be used as a calming area to reduce anxiety.

Digital Timer - The digital timer can be used with student who have difficulty transitioning from task to task. This device allows for the student to monitor the time remaining on their own as well as an auditory signal of when it is time to transition to another activity.

Barbecue Lighter - The barbecue lighter could be used on a camping trip with a Leadership class to light a fire. Student who are unable to use a traditional lighter because of fine motor issues would be able to use the barbecue lighter with a squeeze of a finger.

Large Bats - The large bats could be used in a Physical Education class with student with gross motor or visual impairments. The larger bat has a greater surface area for the student to make contact with the ball.

Easel - This easel could be used in any class to hold a book or scribbler upright with students who are unable to do so or with visual impairments. 

Tap Light - This tap light could be used in classroom with kids who are non-verbal or unable to raise their hand to gain the attention of the teacher. It could also used as a switch to answer questions with two possible responses. 

Magnify Glass - A magnify glass can be used in class for students with visual impairments. This items can be easily accessible for students at their desk. It could be used to help look at pictures from text books or any print that is too small.

Sleep Mask - The sleep mask can be used with students sensory problem with light sensitivity. Some students are very sensitive to light causing headaches, discomfort or irritability. The mask could be used during these times to reduces the stress on the student.

Large Pen - This large pen could be used with students who have trouble grasping writing utensils. A wider pen allows for students to who can not close their hand small enough to grip a traditional sized writing utensil, to complete writing activities.

Wash Mitt - This wash mitt could be used in a life skills class with students who are unable to grab anything with their hands to clean surfaces. Student would be able to complete the life skill skill task of cleaning. 

Ball Slinger - This could be used in a Physical Education class with students who are unable to through a ball because of strength or grasping ability. Many students have difficulty holding and throwing a ball. This devices could enhance their ability to perform this activity.

Balloon Pump - This pump could be used in an Art class instead of a paint brush. Students with fine motor control issues could use the pump to push the paint around to make a picture. A straw could also be used instead of a paint brush to create a painting.

Floss Picks - These floss picks could be used in a Life Skills class. Instead of using traditional floss with students who have fine motor and hand dexterity issues could used these to floss their teeth independently.

Play-Doh - This could be used with students to reduce stress and anxiety by squeezing it. When a student is able to squeeze the Play-Doh their muscles are contracting and relaxing. This can reduces stress and anxiety of students while continuing to be able to participate seamlessly in the class. 

Squeeze Toy - This toy could be used in the class with students with ADHD as a fidget. Students with ADHD often have excess energy that they need to release. Having a fidget toy available to them to release that energy within the class and not miss instructional time. 

July 11th - Low Tech Assistive Technology at the Dollar Store

This assignment had us explore the local Dollar Store for items that could be used in as assistive technology for a range of users. On my visit I cam across many items that could be used as AT in the class. Many of the items were in fact to assist a person with a particular task. I collected pictures of many of these item. Other items that I took pictures of needed a little imagination as to how you could use it as AT. I found this to be a very useful activity. As educator we are continuously looking for ways to help our students achieve a task. Often assistive technology is required and we look through educational catalogs. It only takes few flips of the pages in the catalogs to see the astronomical price tags that accompany these items. This activity proves that there is often alternatives that are much more affordable and still effective. These alternatives allows greater accessibility for various supports that people may need. 

Saturday, July 9, 2016

July 8th - Proloquo2go Activity


Ball, Basket, Basketball, Goal ...

Shoot Around
By: Sheri King and Nick MacDonald

Players take turns shooting the basketball into the basket from in or behind a designated area. The first person with five baskets wins the game.

Communication Aims:
-Listen to the other player(s) and respond
-Take turns and follow rules
-Give and receive compliments appropriately
-Demonstrate proper use of vocabulary while playing the game

How to Play:
Who: 2 or more players with a helper to facilitate.
-To start the facilitator will chose a number between one and five. The player that guesses the number correctly will begin the game.
-The player will stand behind/in a designated area (you could a hoola hoop or skipping rope to mark where the player needs to be).
-The player will shoot the ball. If the shot is made he gets another turn. If missed player 2 gets their turn.
-Continue to play until a player reaches 5 points.

What You Need:
-Basketball hoops
-Hula hoop or skipping rope (something to mark where to stand)
-Visual score board (white board, iPad app etc.)
-Set of vocabulary phrases programmed for the game e.g. “air ball,” “good shot,” “swish.”

Hints and Tips:
-Provide reinforcement to encourage communication with other players e.g. ask was that a good shot or what did you think of that shot Nick? Who’s turn is it now?
-Facilitator dictates game pace to allow social communication to take place

-Distance for shooting can be adjusted as needed
-Length of the game or points required can be adjusted as needed

Friday, July 8, 2016

July 7th - Proloquo2go Activity and Board Development


Today we entrenched ourselves in the world of AAC. We worked with the program and app Proloquo2go. Using this app we had to develop and activity and a selection board for a student of choice to use Proloquo2go to communicate effectively.

After deciding on the student and the activity, our focus turned to how we would develop our board to give our student the options to communicate authentically. We wanted to give the student the option to respond in this social situation as other boys his age would.

We thought about the language that kids may use and the social interactions that he would encounter during this activity. This is where I found I got excited. Reflecting on this feeling I think I experienced this because of what giving the student  a tool to interact authentically socially. Imagine the feeling the student would feel in a real life situation......AMAZING!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

July 6th - Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Today we explored the use of augmentative and alternative communication. WOW! What a powerful tool that as educators we could provide for a student who is non-verbal. I find it difficult to imagine myself as being non-verbal and could only imagine the feeling when someone is given that voice through assistive technology.


We began today's class by watching a video of a non-verbal student named Tyler. The video chronicled his educational path and how AAC technology provided a platform in which Tyler was given and voice and used it to reach his potential. While watching the video a number of  "aha" moments occurred. The first of which was how early intervention and introduction to assistive technology showed that his education was important and that given the appropriate tools he could be successful. Secondly, while it took a tremendous amount of resources to achieve what Tyler has done, it can be done and should be done for all students. The asssitive technology evolved and Tyler developed and gained skills. Assistive technology used by Tyler was appropriate and carefully selected throughout his educational career. Thirdly, was that how assistive technology to help Tyler communicate, impacted every aspect of his life positively, From his educational successes, career opportunities, socially with his peers and opportunities to enjoy leisure activities, all became accessibly easier because of ACC technology. 

Kudos to AssistiveWare
The ACC technology that we were introduced to today was Proloquo2go. Again.....WOW! I want to say just how impressed I am with AssistiveWare, the company that developed the technology. To provided such a powerful tool at a reasonable prices ensures accessibility for most. This in my opinion speaks volumes to the integrate of the company and see the true value in their product. The value of giving people a voice and changing their lives, rather than a money making product. 

15 Ways to Communicate

  1. Speech
  2. Sign Language
  3. Email
  4. Text Message
  5. Body Language
  6. Voice Tone
  7. Voice Speed
  8. Pictures
  9. Handshakes
  10. Letters
  11. Touch
  12. Commercials
  13. Hand Gestures
  14. Radio
  15. Maps

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

July 5th - Day 1 Exploration of Apps


Exploring the "app world" can be a daunting task. It seems that there is a never ending stream of apps that may or may not be applicable for you teaching or your students' learning. I often think teacher shy away from the exploration of technology to enhance their class because of the time consumption it takes to sift through the countless apps and then evaluate the ones that would best facilitate your teaching and your students' learning.

Today's Class

Today as a collective group we explored valuable educational apps that could help elevate our teaching and help students achieve their goals. The hands-on exploration is the best way to learn how valuable and app/technology can be when critical examined for it's purpose to facilitate learning in the class. 
While there were some apps/technology that I was familiar with, many were new. The presentations by groups allowed for a better understanding of how the use of the app/technology as well as familiarizing us with terminology.

My Exploration/Reflection

I was apart of a group that used iMovie to explore and define the SAMR model. I was aware of iMovie but never used it in my teaching practice. The possibilities in which this app allows teacher to enhance the students' learning is tremendous. 
In my teaching career I have never taught in the class. I have always has positions in student services (learning support, behaviour support, resource or youth services facilitator) or my current position of early literacy and Reading Recovery teacher. My experience with assistive technology has been to give the student and teacher the tools to achieve an outcome. Assistive technology has been a tool to achieve not to enhance students' learning. I know believe that assistive technology is not only important to be used as a tool to achieve outcomes but to enhance the overall learning experience.

Links for Further Exploration of Apps in Poll

Strip Designer